超級珍珠狂-義大利米其林星級廚師|Italian chefs find boba equally irresistible
Not only the Japanese people, but Italian chef finds boba irresistible too. From the empire of culinary, the Regent Hotel’s Italian chef Andrea Bonaffini has fallen in love with the chewy textile of boba at the first taste.
泡麵界國際巨星 韓國人都瘋搶的「台灣味」|Taiwan beef-flavored instant noodles a hit in South Korea
陪伴大家走過36 個年頭的滿漢大餐是不少人的回憶,如今這碗「泡麵界國際巨星」也在韓國刮起旋風,成為另一項台灣之光。韓國明星、YouTuber 紛紛開箱試吃後,無不豎起大拇指讚嘆,還在Instagram 造成一股打卡炫風。滿漢大餐在韓國的超強魅力,成功引起話題,吸引韓國超商的注意,引進販售「滿漢大餐麻辣鍋牛肉麵」。如果身邊有外國朋友,一定要推薦他們吃吃看!
Taiwan Man Han Feast Beef Flavored instant noodles have been very popular since their launch in 1983. The famous brand has also been a hit in South Korea’ s instant noodles market.
亞洲前十大最好吃三明治在臺灣!|Taiwan best sandwich restaurant joins Asia top 10
國際旅遊網站《Big 7 Travel》評選出「2019年亞洲前50強三明治推薦」,其中有著時尚風格的臺灣三明治餐廳「Liquid Bread Company」登上亞洲最好吃三明治第七名。「Liquid Bread Company」是一家時髦的三明治專賣店,他們將最好的食材,以創新的呈現方式堆疊出Instagram上最受歡迎的美味三明治。不管是鬆軟的辣韓胖豬、香濃的經典烤起士三明治或是終極的LBC道地美式煙燻牛都是必點的美味。
The restaurant, which is known for its use of fresh ingredients, ranked 7th in the list of 50 best sandwiches in Asia, according to the international travel website “Big 7 travel.”
“Liquid Bread Co. is a sleek sandwich counter that uses only the best ingredients for their innovative and downright Instagrammable sandwiches,” Big 7 travel said.
圖/ Liquid Bread Company提供
美國網美帶你泡烏來溫泉 大啖原住民野味|Meghan explores scenic hot spring town — Wulai
Located in the southern part of New Taipei City, Wulai is a small town surrounded by mountains and winding streams an hour away from downtown Taipei. More importantly, Wulai is known as the “hot spring town” of Taiwan. There is, therefore, little wonder that Meghan, an American blogger, documented the small town and tried to capture the beauty of Wulai’s mountains, the old streets and the culture of indigenous people.
瑞典帥哥廚師的逢甲夜市初體驗|Swedish YouTuber has a great time in Feng Chia night market
Coming from Steninge, a beautiful forestry area close to the beach in southern Sweden, a 22-year-old YouTuber, Tiger, aims to travel everywhere and “eat my way through the world.”
He said the island is special in its mixture of Chinese and Japanese cultures yet remaining the own touch. Plus the delicious but inexpensive foods and friendly people, “Taiwan is one of the most relaxing and interesting Asian countries,” he said.
圖/截自Youtube影片:Taiwan's BIGGEST and MOST DELICIOUS Night Market - Street Food in Taichung!! - 外國人逢甲夜市初體驗/By aHungryTiger
韓國女孩深夜挑戰製作9道美食 大讚:「台灣太方便」|Midnight challenge: What can you eat late at night in Taiwan?
Taiwan is still lively after 10 p.m. If you are hungry at night, you can easily buy food nearby to fill your stomach. Even after 12 a.m., you can still get pearl milk tea and enjoy local breakfast.
圖/ 截自YouTube:韓國人在深夜從9個地方準備9種料理Midnight Challenge #2