荷蘭設計團隊操刀 台南最大親水廣場3月開放| Tainan largest river park to open in March
台南市「河樂廣場The Spring」曾被富比世評論為全球七大令人期待的公園,預計將於3月7日正式開幕。由荷蘭建築團隊MVRDV操刀,與台灣設計公司合作,配合台南市政府計畫「府城軸帶」,將老舊的中國城拆除,改造為「河樂廣場The Spring」。
“The Spring” — A new river park, which was praised by Forbes as one of the seven most picturesque public parks around the world, will open in Tainan on March 7.
Designed by MVRDV, a Dutch architecture company, and a Taiwanese design company under Tainan’s urban renewal plan, the park is located within the city center at the former location of the Tainan Chinatown.

全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館 比北投圖書館更美| National Central Library southern branch to open in 2021
國家圖書館南部分館預計將於2021年落成開放。選址台南市新營區,國圖南部分館特別邀請曾經設計北投圖書館的「九典聯合建築師事務所」以及義大利建築師Carlo Ratti合作操刀,打造全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館。
The Southern Branch of the National Central Library will open to the public in 2021. Located in southern Taiwan, Tainan, the project was designed by Carlo Ratti, a renowned Italian architect, and Bio-architecture Formosana, the architecture studio in charge of the design of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. It will be the first intelligent library using artificial intelligence to create a new-age learning environment, according to the commissioner of the project.

全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館 比北投圖書館更美| National Central Library southern branch to open in 2021
國家圖書館南部分館預計將於2021年落成開放。選址台南市新營區,國圖南部分館特別邀請曾經設計北投圖書館的「九典聯合建築師事務所」以及義大利建築師Carlo Ratti合作操刀,打造全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館。
The Southern Branch of the National Central Library will open to the public in 2021. Located in southern Taiwan, Tainan, the project was designed by Carlo Ratti, a renowned Italian architect, and Bio-architecture Formosana, the architecture studio in charge of the design of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. It will be the first intelligent library using artificial intelligence to create a new-age learning environment, according to the commissioner of the project.
丹尼爾·布倫「Daniel Buren」以其打破常規、具永久展示性的場造藝術(in situ)在藝術史上留下一席之地,他的作品表現出藝術的另一視角—聚焦在藝術創作的過程以作為作品表徵對藝術自主性之漠視的反叛。
Daniel Buren is a figure to go down in art history for his unconventional in situ permanent displays that present art in a way highlighting the creative process as opposed to the representation of pieces that disregard autonomous art.
圖/Dimitri Bruyas
全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館 比北投圖書館更美| National Central Library southern branch to open in 2021
國家圖書館南部分館預計將於2021年落成開放。選址台南市新營區,國圖南部分館特別邀請曾經設計北投圖書館的「九典聯合建築師事務所」以及義大利建築師Carlo Ratti合作操刀,打造全國首間AI人工智慧圖書館。
The Southern Branch of the National Central Library will open to the public in 2021. Located in southern Taiwan, Tainan, the project was designed by Carlo Ratti, a renowned Italian architect, and Bio-architecture Formosana, the architecture studio in charge of the design of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. It will be the first intelligent library using artificial intelligence to create a new-age learning environment, according to the commissioner of the project.

屏東隱藏版絕美教堂 排灣族七彩琉璃珠絢爛吊燈 | Pingtung Catholic church becomes top travel destination
Taiwan’s indigenous people usually have unique churches that double as community centers for tribe members. Sitting in Pingtung County, southern Taiwan, Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church — the oldest indigenous Catholic church — has become a top destination since it reopened to the public in 2018 after a four-year renovation.

星巴克花蓮和平門市 透明屋脊式設計全面採光 成IG打卡夯點|Starbucks Heping becomes Instagram
Following the opening of the first Starbucks container store in 2018, a newly designed Starbucks store opened earlier this year in a tourist spot in Heping, Xiulin Township, Hualien County. Located at the boundary between Hualien and Yilan, the Starbucks Heping store sits on one of the resting areas of the newly ungraded Suhua Highway which was opened to the public on Jan. 6. There is, therefore, little wonder that the new store has already become an Instagram sensation in Eastern Taiwan.

全台最大戶外畫廊!高雄苓雅衛武營彩繪村| Taiwan largest outdoor street art gallery — Kaohsiung Weiwuying Street Art Village
Located in Lingya District in the southern city of Kaohsiung, Weiwuying Street Art Village has become the largest street art community in Taiwan. The village is a lively place where foreign and local street artists gather to create artworks on a variety of mediums, including walls.
圖/Bamboo's WORK提供

最紅打卡景點!全台最美「鐘樓星巴克」在台中麗寶|Where is the most stunning Starbucks in Taiwan?
台中麗寶Outlet Mall二期於12月25日盛大開幕,以義大利北部避暑勝地「科莫湖」為原型的街道設計,Outlet內部則採挑高拱廊建築自然採光。除了Outlet主建築外,其中一大必看亮點就是全台唯一歐式鐘樓星巴克。
The second phase of Lihpao Outlet Mall in Taichung opened on Dec. 25, featuring a stunning interior design inspired by Lake Como — a summer resort in northern Italy — and modern classic architecture that values natural light. Another highlight of the new space is a new Starbucks under a European-style clock tower — the most beautiful Starbucks outlets in Taiwan.
圖/ 台灣星巴克提供

東北角新秘境「鼻頭角聽濤營區」|Bitou cape abandoned barrack boasts colorful look
Located on the northeast coast in New Taipei City, the “Bitou Cape Trail” (鼻頭角步道) is known for its scenic sea view and mountain lines.
A recently renovated military barrack near the trail has also attracted the attention of travelers since its opening on Nov. 5.